Cultural Heritage, Curating and Creativity

Graduate Studio Seminar Course, Brown University

The course explores current theories and practices in cultural heritage and contemporary arts from various international perspectives. It offers students the opportunity to participate in a practical and creative cultural heritage project, realizing a curated experience/event/exhibition within the urban environment. Questions of material, form and synaesthetics; the roles of language and vision in relation to multi-sensory experience of the city; the tensions between objective display and subjective encounter within cultural heritage and contemporary arts contexts; the role of interpretation in cultural heritage and contemporary arts contexts; and what constitutes learning and collaborative meaning-making in visual, aural, olfactory and other sense-based experiences will be considered. Following readings in cultural heritage theory, curatorial studies and critical theory, the course will engage students both intellectually through in-class discussions and presentations as well as practically through individual projects and a group curatorial project.

Course website.

View student projects here. →

The Providence Postcard Project” by Betsey Biggs, Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, 2012